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Cheryl Johnson-Managing Creativity

Cheryl Johnson is a Fine Art—Abstract Expressionist painter. She has been gifted with renowned artistic talent. Johnson primarily works in oil and mixed media. Her work has transitioned from being a noted portrait and realist painter to her current Abstract focus. She is also an accomplished sculptor and photographer. Her work is exhibited in corporations, galleries and personal collections across America, Canada, and Europe.

Zebras Unite

By 6:27 PM

Perhaps as an artist I really do want to change the world. In my early days i did a silkscreen pair of zebras for my business and called it " partners in crime," perhaps one of more favorite entrepenurial adventures. Sorry, babbling. Some of us are Outside Zebras that avoid the Herd, we, by design, live on the edge, we make purple cows that become Blue Swans who can only share smart conversations with their own clan. Who can know. I think we are all artists, creating all the time. Sometimes it seems like we're all looking else where for ideas rather than looking inward. We all go thru stages of copying and regurgitating each others ideas, but I think that's only natural since 1) ideas that work, well, simply work so why change them. 2) We all tend to naturally gravitate toward those who think like us.  Example:  I even am drawn to unusual beings who probably really are all aliens from Gastonia. Explanation for another day. We all seem to search for tribe members and often we become groupies of one anothers tribe or part of a "collector clan" idea. I think there are even books about clans and tribes. I.e. read "Tribes" by Seth Godin.  Sometimes we're all just coming to similar conclusions. Everything has been said. There really is nothing new under the sun and all is vanity. Years ago I read a post titled "Be the Outside Zebra."  I can't find the post and my computer crashed, but the person wrote; and I happened to save it in an old journal. How amazing is that, by the way. It said, "Write your dreams and goals down.

Then take time to look at those dreams. Achieving those dreams will require going OUTSIDE of your comfort zone."  The term "outside zebra" refered to the zebras who hang out on the edge of the herd.  They stay at the edges so that they have access to better, more plentiful food, but in doing so, they open themselves up to more risk of attack from predators.  The point was that achieving your dreams requires that you take risks and move to the "edge" of the herd....outside your comfort zone. So today I am comfortable, being on the outside edge of an island and hanging off the edge of Power House Road writing down stream of consciousness thoughts, sitting next to my lover. Being truly happy. If you pass by, look for me I will be the rainbow zebra wearing boxer shorts.

Go see my art: 

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