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Cheryl Johnson-Managing Creativity

Cheryl Johnson is a Fine Art—Abstract Expressionist painter. She has been gifted with renowned artistic talent. Johnson primarily works in oil and mixed media. Her work has transitioned from being a noted portrait and realist painter to her current Abstract focus. She is also an accomplished sculptor and photographer. Her work is exhibited in corporations, galleries and personal collections across America, Canada, and Europe.


By 8:32 PM

I wish I had written this. But I will give credit where it is due in order that you might learn more.

I think I got this from this site, but not sure. go see. Mastery

"In a word: MASTERY. They’ve MASTERED something. Something inte­res­ting and valua­ble. They are MASTERS of their craft. It may be an old-fashioned word that makes peo­ple uncom­for­ta­ble, but that’s only because it’s something that elu­des most people.

Though, having watched these mas­ters care­fully first-hand, I can honestly say MASTERY is more satisf­ying than money (and I’ve seen both, trust me). If you’re up for it, yes, MASTERY MATTERS MORE THAN MONEY, MASTERY MATTERS MORE THAN SUCCESS.

And it’s por­ta­ble. It tra­vels with you, whe­re­ver you go. No land­lord, no boss, no reces­sion, no Wall Street analyst, no news­pa­per cri­tic can take it away. It’s something that truly belongs to you, for always.

So when a young per­son asks me for career advice these days, I tell her, “Don’t worry about so much about money, fame, suc­cess, wha­te­ver. Worry about Mas­tery– that is something pre­cious you can actually con­trol. And yes, if you’ve achie­ved mas­tery, you’re more likely to be suc­cess­ful and pros­pe­rous, any­way.” Again, MASTERY MATTERS MORE THAN SUCCESS. So go for it. Thank you."  

Go see my art: 

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